The EchoPlus report contains all the information you need to have a detailed legal and commercial overview of a business or company.
EchoPlus Report
The EchoPlus report contains all the information you need to have a detailed legal and commercial overview of a business or company.
The following sources comprise the EchoPlus report:
Banking Report
Groupecho is able to provide the most detailed commercial banking credit reports in Canada. This report will provide you with the up-to-date banking information of any company: official date of bank account creation, account balance, details of their credit margins, details about their loans, and much more!
Public Records PLUS
This report provides a detailed account of the legal actions registered by a company and against a company in the last 5 years.
Corporate Search Report
This report gives you detailed information about a company: Legal name, official date of foundation, listings of people and their roles within the business, etc.
Investigation of Suppliers Report
This reports looks into a businesses suppliers. It highlights any outstanding debts and the general satisfaction of those suppliers with regards to the company being investigated.
Why use the EchoPlus 4 in 1 Report?
- To get a complete legal overview of a company
- To minimize risk by acquiring knowledge
- To understand the stakes of a business transaction in one easy step
- To acquire a better bargaining position
- Best value for price ratio
Don’t take their word for it, take our word for it.